Revisiting Jekyll on Ubuntu 20.04

Tips on working with Jekyll after a hiatus

By: Ajdin Imsirovic 16 December 2022

I’ve already discussed Jekyll on this blog, but that was a while ago.

Now I’m coming back to it, and there are a few interesting things to mention.

Jekyll on Ubuntu

Reinstalling an existing Jekyll blog locally on a brand new Ubuntu 20.04 system

I’ve installed Ubuntu 20.04 on a laptop, and now with this brand new installation, I wanted to take my existing Jekyll-powered blog repo locally.

It was a pretty easy thing to do.

Here are the steps and the “stumbling blocks”:

  1. I’ve installed RVM and, while at it, Rails as well
  2. I’ve then installed Ruby-2.7.1 using RVM
  3. To run Jekyll in the Ubuntu 20.04 system, I’ve needed to execute the following commands, in order:
    • bash --login
    • rvm use ruby-2.7.1
    • jekyll s -l (the -l flag is to live-reload the site on saving code updates)

All right, that’s it, pretty simple and easy.

Feel free to check out my work here:

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