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The Anatomy of a JavaScript function, part 4
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to use the function arguments and how are they related to the ES6 speread operator? This is the topic in this fourth article in the article series titled: the Anatomy of JavaScript functions.
Quickstart Elm 0.19, part 2
Sunday, October 20, 2019
In the second tutorial of this article series on learning Elm, we'll cover immutable data structures, the Elm architecture (Model, Vie, Message, and Update), and unidirectional data flows. We'll build a simple counter app and learn about modules and the Browser.sandbox function.
Quickstart Elm 0.19, part 1
Sunday, October 20, 2019
In the first article of this article series on learning Elm, we'll see how to install Elm, render text nodes and actual HTML elements on a page. We'll also cover how to nest HTML elements in Elm 0.19.
The Anatomy of a JavaScript function, part 3
Saturday, October 19, 2019
What are the differences between ES5 and ES6 functions? We answer this question in this article, third in the series of articles on the Anatomy of JavaScript functions.
Kaizen, checklists, and doing software presentations
Friday, October 18, 2019
This somewhat philosophical article tackles the preparation for your software presentations from a slightly different angle. It's always good to look at things from a different perspective, and this article does just that.
The Anatomy of a JavaScript function, part 2
Friday, October 18, 2019
How to generalize functions in JavaScript? Learn all about it in this second part of the Anatomy of JavaScript functions series of tutorials.
Building Bootstrap 4 layouts, part 12: Build a Shopify clone layout
Friday, October 11, 2019
See how to clone a Shopify homepage layout in Bootstrap 4. We'll go step by step, from setting up the project and building the navbar, to setting the breakpoint for the toggle button, adding a hero section, showcase section, support, merchants, testimonials sections, and the footer area. We'll discuss flexbox in Bootstrap 4 and conclude with the completed live layout.
Start a minimal Express app with npm
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Here's a quick and easy introduction to Express and Node.js. Learn how to build a simple Express app and serve it locally using Node.js.
Building Bootstrap 4 layouts, part 11: Build an AirBnB clone layout
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
See how to clone an AirBnB homepage layout in Bootstrap 4. We'll use the live AirBnB website to plan our layout, and then we'll build it, including forms, datepickers, cards, icons, testimonials, and star ratings. We'll also track our progress using Git so you can see each step of the development, and we'll commit our changes on GitHub so that it can easily be shared.
Should I first learn vanilla JavaScript or Angular?
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
It's hard to choose what to learn in web development when there are so many options: should I learn vanilla JS or a framework like Angular? Find the answer in this article.